Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Inform Design California House

Unfortunately, a lot of contemporary houses are cut from the same leather, often with the same cookie-cutter even. However, there is the odd exception. This house is being built in Melbourne - but I'd be happy to have it on my side of the Tasman.

California House - Inform Design and Pleysier Perkins

Designed by Pleysier Perkins for Inform Designs, the house is inpsired by Richard Neutra's Kaufmann Desert House, but brought down under.

I truly appriciate the simplicity of the design. Glass and wood floor to ceiling, and two floating roof planes. The way the garage door is almost entirely invisible, as is the joinery around the glass.

The profile view isn't quite as successful as the front, but none-the-less still very good. A variation on the theme would be all I'd ask for.

California House - Inform Design and Pleysier Perkins

California House - Inform Design and Pleysier Perkins

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