Friday, June 3, 2011

Prequel or Sequel?

I felt like going to the cinema. Only one problem with that, I'd already seen most of the films on offer, or did not want to see them.

There where effectively two options. The Hangover 2 and X-Men: First Class.

Now, the choice between the second in a series and the fifth? in a series is difficult, having said that, I've already heard aplenty that the Hangover's plot is near identical to the original, so X-Men it was.

And I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised - it was actually quite good, better even than the last two in the franchise.

As a prequel, I didn't go in with an expectation of what the storyline would be, and that worked well, particularly well given how well they have tied the plot into the plots of previous movies which are set after this one.

Along with a new storyline, which means you aren't anticipating each coming scene, the film was beautifully set, in one of my favourite eras when it comes to set design - the '60s. Obviously inspiration from Bond films has been taken, but it's all good.

All up, a good movie, worth the watch - don't let your disappointment in previous X-Men movies put you off (though if you liked none of them, don't go to this one!). I'll give it 7/10.

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