Friday, April 8, 2011

Never Let Me Go

Some movies are feel-good movies. This one is not. An intriguing story it is, however.

The story starts with the revelation that in the 1950's a medical breakthrough causes the life expectancy to increase drastically, soon exceeding one hundred years.

The thing is though, that this discovery isn't quite what it seems. The three children whom the movie follows; Ruth, Tommy and Kathy, are actually clones of people out in the real world (the "originals"), grown to provide backup organs.

The story starts out at the children's school, Hailsham, which is far from an ordinary school, and follows them through their less than ordinary lives. What becomes of them? I don't really want to spoil the story.

At then end of the movie, you are left wondering when this situation will become a reality - will there be a situation in which we have the option of having someone else die so we may live?, and will we be led to believe that they are even human?

A thought-provoking story 8/10, though sad it only seems to play at obscure hours at my local cinema.

Never Let Me Go

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